Thursday, April 29, 2010

Now we know how Gilligan felt...

Jenna Carly and I are literally stuck in Syros. Both ferries Tuesday and Wednesday were canceled to Santorini, so we decided to stop off at the first Island that sounded cool. )

We haven’t found any coconuts to make radios but we did pick up a friend at the port named Jenabi- a really fun Chinese guy from Malaysia who is studying in Australia but doing a semester in Poland. Oh, and he watches Gossip Girl.

We are staying in a really cute family run hostel here in Syros. Today we hiked for a few hours through the island of Syros and saw beautiful views from a church at the top of a mountain (see pictures)

Next stop is Athens to see the Acropolis and then we are catching a flight to Czech Prague out. Carly and I will be staying with a long-time childhood friend, Pranadhi who is there for the semester. Interestingly, my passion for business and entrepreneurship stems back to my friendship with Pranadhi. It was in her very backyard that we entered into the lemonade stand business, eventually helping quench thirsts of most West Bloomfield residents..

That’s it for now, catch ya in Prague!

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