Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ultimas Dias (accent on U, accent on I)

My semester abroad is coming to an end. I am sitting at "the cafe spot" with Carly (pictured above) right now trying to figure out how time passes by SO incredibly fast in this incredible/diverse/lively/insomnious (yes, it's a word) city!

If all gets better with glacier Eyjafjallajokull, Carly and I will be heading on our Eurotrip starting this Saturday with our Eurorail passes. Here is a list of cities we are seeing before coming home!

1. Athens
2. Mykonos
3. Ios
4. Santorini
5. Prague
6. Munich
7. Dusseldorf
8. Amsterdam
9. Paris
10. TBD

Then, we are back to Barcelona for one last night! Here are some pics from our last nights out here...

Starting out at the residencias

Brandon, putting the "crappy" in crappy Tuesdays at Apollo

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