Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Islas Canarias- Spring Break 2010

Hola from Tenerife. We are awaiting our flight on Binter Airlines (most efficient airline in Europe, FOR sho).

This trip has been an incredible time and I feel lucky I was able to spend it with a friend (former good friend, before she chipped my tooth 2 hours ago). We started out in Gran Canaria for 3 days with our friends, Morgan and Sully. Our resort felt like we were on a cruiseline run by e-harmony for the retired, but other than that it was a fabulous time.

After a few days of pure soaking in the sun, Rachel and I came to Tenerife to sight see and do some more bumming on the gorgeous Playa de Americas. We went out to Veronicas (pretty much a Panama City Beach for British high school-ers) and met up with a friend from Barcelona.

On another note, we are now 3/3 siblings that have had idiotic accidents.

1. My chipped tooth from Rachel hitting me while drinking from a bottle.

2. Ani's "knurded" hitting of the table incident of 2001- left her with stitches near the eye.

2. Ketu's more recent 26th b-day celebration where he thought he was "leaning like a cholo", and ended up at the hospital with staples in the head.

Good work family.

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